Hard relate to this because I caught Covid from my son first time around (sadly, I’ve had it twice), and hand foot and mouth from my youngest a few months later. The latter was AWFUL. He only had a high temperature while I had that + weird spots all over my hands, feet and around my mouth and nose thus making it an aptly named bug.

Since then I’ve been more diligent about supplements and immune-boosting veggies and foods in general because I was catching bugs off them too easily.

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Everyone in our household is currently sick. I dread sickness so much more now because it's a 3 week ordeal. Kid gets sick, stays home from day care. Gets us sick, we miss work. Then we get my dad (our part time sitter) sick, so then we have to find replacement care or miss more work. Then the whole thing repeats itself in 4 weeks.

Seriously though, we get sick at least every month or two. We'd gone about 10 weeks before this one, which felt like a lot.

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